9.25.2015 The Premiere


Hey guys! Thanks so much for your interest in The Premiere.  

We are working very hard on bringing you an event in the 757 that will be inspiring and encouraging to the community. Seven of Hampton Roads' filmmakers, producers, visual artists & entrepreneurs, come together to bring the community an event full of fun, food, laughter and short films. 

Not only will you be coming together to celebrate creatives, but you'll also be giving back to the community by supporting the Teens with a Purpose & Dogs Deserve Better organization through your donation. It will be a night that, those interested in arts & entertainment and giving back to the local community, will never forget. Please, come out and have a great time. 

Please, go to our page to get more details and purchase your ticket! We hope to see you on September 25th from 6-9pm at the Downing Gross Cultural Arts Center! Click here to get more detailed information>> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-premiere-tickets-17874658585

Dress Attire: Black & White

-Natalie Byrdsong